Pilgrims’ Way in London

Southwark Cathedral below The Shard which is visible from Shooters Hill.

The three-tier system for controlling the virus means that walkers should not enter Kent.

If already in the county you are free to walk although pubs are not open for accommodation.

However, walking the route from London to Erith is possible as this is all within Greater London which is in the middle tier.

Dartford is in Kent.

If walking out of London you will be able to obtain a passport at the start in Southwark Cathedral‘s shop from Thursday 3 December.

The Red Lion is open on Shooters Hill.

At Lesnes Abbey you will find the Chestnuts refreshment kiosk with outdoor seating open daily until 3pm (weekends 4pm) up to Christmas and in the New Year.

The Pilgrims’ Way within Greater London is a two day walk. Until allowed to go further you could walk back to Southwark from Erith on the Thames Path.

One thought on “Pilgrims’ Way in London”

  1. US friends would like to walk the old pilgrim’s way in early May 2022 and would like to know:
    Is there a max number of pilgrims?
    Will the accommodations be open?
    Can you recommend a tour company?

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