These Days Will Pass

The candles are lit for the midday Eucharist in front of Mark Titchner’s artwork

These days will pass and we shall more easily be able to go on pilgrimage. But we don’t know what it will be like.

‘Please believe these days will pass’ is the message seen by visitors to Southwark Cathedral and most certainly by those present at the midday Eucharist at 12.45pm which is usually at the nave altar.

A huge installation at the east end is by Mark Titchner whose work is found in many public collections. Me, Here Now has a permanent place in nearby London Bridge Station.

The words on the banner in the cathedral evolved during the pandemic after the artist found his poster work Please Believe These Days was being shared on social media by his friends.

‘Mark Titchner’s monumental installation in Southwark Cathedral will be a stark reminder that we need to look beyond these islands to a world still suffering,’ says Dean of Southwark Andrew Nunn.

He quotes the words of Jesus about the passing of days: ‘Truly I tell, this generation will not pass away until all things have taken place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.’ (Luke 21. 32-33)

The Dean describes the artwork as ‘both reassuring yet realistic’ and asks ‘these days may pass, but what will remain, what will we find, what is there new that awaits us beyond the passing?’

A sermon preached by the Dean on the Feast of Corpus Christi, when the installation was first revealed, can be seen here (from 16.35).

The artwork will remain in place until Friday 23 July.

One thought on “These Days Will Pass”

  1. ” These Days Will Pass”!
    Very interesting . Yes they will pass.

    In two years time, we all probable have forgotten of the pain and the lost we’ve encounter during the pandemic and carry on as we did before.

    As the Dean of Southwark Cathedral Andrew Nunn says:
    “the world is still suffering” a very interesting comment.

    The way I look at the pandemic is !

    It seems a lesson or even a message to the world, to makes us aware that something is not right . It was a way of making us all think and become aware of the way we have been behaving and leading our lives.

    Are we in control?
    Have we learn any thing?
    Will our behaviour change due to the pandemic?
    Do we care?
    Do we care about quality?
    Do we care about others regarding of their colour or background?
    Do we respect others? Appreciate the work they do and how important it is for humanity as a all ?
    Do we think about our children and their future, or do we still just want quantity instead of quality?

    We need to understand the meaning of the wards ” The passing of days” quoted by Jesus (Luke 21.32.33)

    Everyone says, we will be better after this pandemic! we will come out stronger ! Our economy will be stronger!

    I am not a scientist nor a politician . We need to be realistic.

    It is not as simple as it looks. a lot of work is needed.

    Are we willing and ready to make changes? We are the ones who have to change in order to make the world a better place.

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